小编为大家分享《抖音》Hundred Miles歌曲介绍相关内容,《抖音》这款软件这里可以很好的去帮助你打发无聊的时间,在里面所提供的乐趣也超级的多,在里面的音乐Hundred Miles很多的
《抖音》这款软件这里可以很好的去帮助你打发无聊的时间,在里面所提供的乐趣也超级的多,在里面的音乐Hundred Miles很多的小伙伴都会作为自己的视频背景音乐,也是会使用该音乐去拍摄一段跳舞视频,相信很多的小伙伴都没有听过,那就来这里进行了解吧,接下来小编就给大家整理了《抖音》Hundred Miles歌曲介绍的相关内容,感兴趣的小伙伴一起看看吧。
Composed by:Gabriela Richardson/Yall
Come here and visit my world
Come here and visit my world
Did his trail shine and stay
Our love is the only way
Don"t get lost "cause I am waiting
Summer feelings are waiting boy
You and me is more than a hundred miles
You and me is more than the grey sky
You and me is more than the lonely days
It"s our time to go
Dance with me one more time
You and me is
You and me is
You and me is
It"s our time to go
Dance with me one more time
Come here and visit my world
Dead history shining stars
Our love is the only way
Don"t get lost "cause I am waiting
Summer feelings are waiting boy
You and me is more than a hundred miles
You and me is more than the grey sky
You and me is more than the lonely days
It"s our time to go
Da-dance with me one more time
Dance with me one more time
You and me is more than the lonely days
It"s our time to go
Da-dance with me one more time
You and me is more than a hundred miles
You and me is more than the grey sky
You and me is more
It"s our time to go
Dance with me one more time
以上就是小编整理的关于《抖音》Hundred Miles歌曲介绍的全部内容,更多游戏攻略请持续关注!
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